Site Feasibility
By making a Clinic Request, contact is identified and communicated to clinics and investigators within Swedish healthcare who have an interest, prerequisites and opportunity to participate in studies.
Mediation of contact to clinicians and examiners
By making a clinic request, contact is identified and communicated to clinics and investigators within Swedish healthcare who have an interest, prerequisites and opportunity to participate in studies. A clinic request may refer to studies with:
- Drug
- Medical devices
- Other types of interventions
In the case of a Clinic request, the process for study planning has progressed further than in the case of a National request, and in some cases there is a decision that the study should be carried out in Sweden. Clinic requests are sent to examiners and clinics throughout Sweden, or as desired to selected regions or hospitals.
Systematic collection of information speeds up and increases the number of responses To speed up the process and shorten the response time, information about the planned or ongoing study is collected in a digital service. Information is given about:
- Indication and primary purpose
- Study phase
- Test substance/medical device
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Requirements for specialist skills/equipment
- Time and enrollment plan
Detailed information about the study makes it easier for investigators and clinicians to decide on participation in the study, thereby improving the response rate. In order to avoid that the same investigator is contacted several times for the same study, it is also requested which investigators within Swedish healthcare have possibly already been contacted. All answers are collected in the digital service. In cases where clinicians or examiners decline participation, the reason is communicated, if the clinic/examiner has indicated this.
Make a Clinic request
By creating a user profile, you gain access to the Clinic Inquiry service. In this step, company-specific confidentiality agreements (Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement, CDA) are not drawn up. Reference can be made to the healthcare privacy legislation. The Pharmaceutical Industry Association (LIF) has issued a statement on privacy protection in relation to authorities according to the Publicity and Privacy Act (OLS, 2009:400). They have also suggested standard text for reference. Statement on privacy protection in relation to authorities and standard text for reference, LIF's website